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Krugerrand Gold Bullion Coins

Guaranteed by the Government of South Africa and traded in world markets since 1967, Krugerrand gold coins are some of the most desirable gold bullion coins in the world today. Available in four sizes of, one ounce, half ounce, quarter ounce and one tenth ounce gold.
The Krugerrand was the first bullion coin to be tendered at the market value of its face gold content. The Krugerrand was the first gold coin to contain precisely one ounce of fine gold, and was intended from the moment of creation to provide a vehicle for the private ownership of gold. By bestowing legal tender status upon the coin, Krugerrands can be owned by citizens of the United States.

Gold Krugerrands Coins...
The most recognizable gold bullion coin in the world!

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Goldmasters Coins & Precious Metals - Featuring Live Online Trading Since 1997

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