Live Online Coin & Precious Metals Trading * Real Time Prices * Gold Coins * Silver * Platinum * Palladium * Bullion at https://www.Goldmasters.net
"Let 50 years experience work for you"
Goldmasters Precious Metals Ordering Information
GoldmastersUSA Offers... Great Prices, Privacy, Reliability, Simplicity, Security and Ease
No Sign-up - No login - No Phone Solicitations - No Pre-Registration - No Pre-Pay
No Commissioned Sales - No Minimum Purchase Required.
Yes! We Accept Personal Checks!
Goldmasters Precious Metals prefers personal checks, cashiers checks and money orders. If you choose to pay by check there will be a short shipping delay of ten business days to insure your check clears at the bank. This method of payment involves the least expense and effort for you. Click here to check the status of your order -
order status
GoldmastersUSA Does Not accept Credit Cards or Fee Based Payment Methods: Fee Based
payment methods = Credit Cards, Debit Cards, PayPal, BidPay etc!
must be Postmarked within 24 hours of the date and time your confirmation expires.
Make Payment Payable To:
"Goldmasters Precious Metals"
Send Payment to: Goldmasters Precious Metals
P.O. Box 7299 Tacoma, WA 98417
Goldmasters Wire Payment Transfer Information
We require wire payment on transactions of $10,000 or more (No
added Charge).
This is a very simple process of contacting your
bank and providing transfer information.
We suggest wire payment
for transactions where
very fast delivery is desired.
You do not have to wait for U.S. mail to get your check to us, and
then wait for your funds to clear
this will dramatically speed up the delivery
of your purchase.
United States: Please add $20.00 if you
choose to send wire payment on trades of less than $10,000
Wire Payment on trades over $10,000 must be
the same day of the date and time your confirmation expires, this is easily accomplished by making sure your funds are available to wire
immediately from a Bank before you place your order, then making sure you place your order
early in the day during weekday hours before 4:00 P.M. New York time. Requests over $10,000
placed after 4:00 P.M. New York time will be subject to market changes and confirmed via email
the next business day (our choice). Suggestion:
Please place your order request early in the morning during normal banking hours.
Every effort is made to ship your order the same day wire payment funds arrive.
Note: Credit Unions and Brokerage Houses may not be able to directly wire funds.
If you
miss the deadline your order may be reconfirmed based on the market value for the day we receive your funds - Our
Personal Checks: All
personal checks are held for clearance for 15 days in order to be sure the funds are secure. Note:
Questionable checks e.g. checks without address, phone or brokerage account checks without imprint etc. may be held for a longer period. Please be advised we cannot call your bank on any personal checks. If our bank does not notify us that
your personal check has not cleared we ship the goods. Cashiers Checks: Most Cashiers Checks cannot be verified and are treated as unsecured
funds. Bank Drafts: Most Bank Drafts cannot be verified and are treated as unsecured funds. Certified Bank Checks: Most
Certified Bank Checks are treated as unsecured funds. Money Orders:
Most Money Orders cannot be verified and are treated as unsecured funds.
Postal Money Orders: All Postal Money Orders are treated as secured funds. Wire Transfers: All Wire Transfers are treated as secured
funds. (Very fast service.) Note: Wire payment information will be provided with your email confirmation. Cash as a payment method: We do not recommend you send cash.
We will accept cash. If you choose to make payment by cash please take precautions to make sure it arrives safely such as register or insured mail. Note: Payment that cannot be readily verified are treated as unsecured funds.
All orders must be assigned a trade number and must
be confirmed by email before sending payment.
Regarding non compliance, default, renege, or order cancellation for any
If we have not received payment in
full within ten business days after you have been confirmed by Goldmasters and you have ACCEPTED the terms of the agreement your order will
be automatically cancelled and a 5% charge
will be billed to you calculated on the total amount of your order plus the difference
in the market value if any, calculated on market
close for the 10th business day from the confirmation
cancellation date.
Note: It is always best to send Goldmasters your payment immediately to ensure we can honor your confirmed
price and process your order in a timely manner.
Shipping Information
Shipping Fees United
States, Possessions and U.S. Military
Personal pick-up at our retail location will be considered retail
transaction(s) and will be reconfirmed at retail
rates at the time of arrival (Goldmasters choice).
Postage - Insurance - Registered Mail Charges - Handling
$16.50 for an order Under $1000
Add $3.00 per Thousand over $1,000.00
* Heavy Packages may be Shipped Fedex/UPS (Insured) * Street Address Required *
Note: Orders over $250,000.00
may be shipped via Brinks Security (Goldmasters choice). Brinks delivers to
financial institutions (banks, etc.) and established businesses within 50 miles of
major cities in the United States. Goldmasters
Precious Metals reserves the right to decline shipping to post office
boxes or personal
addresses on orders exceeding $250,000.00. |
Orders are assigned trade numbers and cannot be combined
Goldmasters can accept additional requests for a confirmation after all prior confirmations have expired and 48 hours has lapsed.
If more than one request for a confirmation is made in a 48 hour period
your trade may be reconfirmed based on the market value at the time of receipt.
Shipping / Insurance Information
All orders are insured for their maximum allowable value All Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Silver Coin & Bullion orders are shipped via United States Postal Service by registered / insured mail
This is by far the safest most reliable service available today. Occasionally we ship heavy parcel via UPS, Federal Express, Brinks etc.
Please use caution when directing shipments to mailrooms, mail drops, third parties, mail services, overseas, public
addresses etc. as Goldmasters shall have no liability to Client as a result thereof.
Please be careful so as not to misdirect
your shipment by providing inaccurate information as Goldmasters shall have no liability to Client as a result thereof.
If you have any questions please resolve them with Goldmasters before placing your order!
Goldmasters Precious Metals Selling Prices